Conducting Artistic Research into the Performing Arts: methods, challenges, practices and dissemination
Seminario sulla ricerca nelle arti performative
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11 dicembre 2017
Aula Seminari – IV piano Edificio U6
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Dottorato in Educazione nella Società Contemporanea
L'intervento, tenuto dal prof. Patrick Leroux della Concordia University di Montreal, intende approfondire il tema della ricerca nelle arti performative, esplorandone metodi, sfide e nuove prospettive.
Conducting Artistic Research into the Performing Arts:
Methods, Challenges, Practices and Dissemination
Prof. Leroux along with a group of university
researchers, professional circus school pedagogues and students from the
world-renowned National Circus School of Montreal have engaged in a four year
experiential research into the poetics and process of meaning-making in contemporary
circus. Through a series of exercises, focused small public presentations,
systematic observation, and discourse analysis, the team is working towards
both a theory of creative process in contemporary circus and an embedded,
experiential knowledge where there is a measure of risk involved, for the
researchers. This talk will address questions of research-creation and
action-research with the performing arts and some of the particular issues,
challenges, practices and dissemination strategies that are associated with
Prof. Louis Patrick Leroux is a
playwright, director and Professor at Concordia University and the Founding
Director of the Montreal Working Group on Circus Research. He co-edited Cirque Global: Quebec’s Expanding Circus Boundaries
(2016), has published extensively and given many international talks on
contemporary theatre and circus. He is an ongoing Associate Researcher and
guest teacher at the National Circus School of Montreal. In 2017, he was
inducted into the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists
and Scientists.
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